My Homemade Lavender Syrup Recipe

24 July 2016
Dried Lavender ready for my DIY recipe

I love to use dried herbs in my skincare recipes. Lavender and chamomile are my two current favourites. Both have delicate, calming scents and are perfect for sensitive skin. I spotted my bag of dried lavender when cleaning recently and decided I'd better find a way to start using the rest of it up. So I thought I'd experiment in the kitchen and make some lavender syrup.

Sugar, Water and Lavender - the staples of my DIY Lavender Syrup


1 or 2 cups of sugar
1 cup of water
A few tablespoons of lavender, fresh or dried
A few spoons of honey

How much sugar you want to use is entirely up to you. Obviously the more you use, the thicker and sweeter the syrup will be. The same goes for the lavender. The more lavender you use, the more aromatic the syrup will be. I used 5 tablespoons, which is quite strong, so be careful.

Sugar, water and dried lavender cooking on the stove


Mix the sugar and syrup together in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the lavender and bring to boil.

Let it simmer on a lower heat for five minutes then take it off the heat. At this point I added the honey as I wanted sweeten the syrup again. Allow to cool for half an hour, then strain and bottle the syrup.

Store in the refrigerator. It should last around a week.

Lavender Syrup - the finished product of my DIY recipe

I'm not totally sure if I'm a fan of this syrup yet, it may be an acquired taste. I do have a fair amount to use up, so I daresay by the time it's finished I'll love it!

Do you like to use flowers or herbs in the kitchen? I'd love to hear about your favourite recipes!

PS. Keep up with me on Instagram here.
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