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28 November 2015
I'm Claire and I'm from a wee town not far flung from Glasgow, Scotland.

Recently I've been experimenting with many cruelty-free beauty brands and was struggling to find a blog or online resource to help me find what's available in Scotland. I'm sure you've guessed by now that that's why I've created this blog.

So a little bit about me...

I'm a certified bookworm and also love to write. I have an HNC in professional writing skills and did progress on to university, but left after a year as it wasn't for me. I then worked for a while in France and I'm now pursuing a degree in digital art & animation now I am home. Eventually I want to work in game art and design.

I have two house rabbits, Amber and Winston. These two were the main reason I started researching my products, which led to me going cruelty free and vegetarian (transitioning to vegan).

My house rabbits, Amber and Winston

Here I plan to honestly review my cruelty free beauty findings, but I cannot promise that some literature and lifestyle posts won't occasionally make an appearance.

Lastly, here is my pale Scottish face. I guess I better get used to posting it

Scottish Skin - My face

Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy it.
